Year 1 by the Numbers

A Note from our President

As we come to the end of 2024 - our first year as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization - it’s time to reflect on what this first year has looked like. We set out to build an organization that brought local social history to life using movement, games, and activities that embody how New Englanders of the past connected. After the pandemic fundamentally shifted how close we were willing to get to one another, and how we engaged with the complexities of historically-based events, we wanted to approach this new endeavor with the intent to build something that could use a foundation of contextualized historical fun to create a modern, welcoming community. We moved with baited breath through our first few months of scholarship, discussion, tea service, and thoughtful interpretation…and we were thrilled to see our vision come to life at the May Day ball. There was so much laughter, even when we made mistakes! We saw new old friends re-connect and new friendships blossom across the longwise sets, and that’s the kind of historical space we wanted to bring to life. From brand new faces at events across state lines, to our volunteer event staff who helped us make magic, to adding our first new member (welcome Catherine B.!), seeing this little community grow and support each other has been a highlight in an otherwise often difficult and dark year. So before we dive into the numbers, I want to say thank you. Together we’re carrying a little 19th century lantern forward to light our way: from Supporter-level event tickets alone we can cover 12 scholarships for 2025, bringing historical activities to people who may not otherwise be able to attend.

Our 2024 report

It is good practice for non-profit organizations to report back on what they accomplished each year, primarily to demonstrate to donors that their money was well spent. And while your donations - whether by attending our fundraiser tea, buying a Supporter-level ticket, or giving through PayPal - are critical for us to do what we do, my hope is that you have already seen your money at work because you have been right there with us. That engagement is what we set out to build, and it will continue to be our biggest performance indicator. (Officially the state of Massachusetts refers to that as “broad community support”, but we want more than your support, we want you grinning like a Cheshire Cat over tabletop croquet.)

Below you will find our summary of key metrics: engagement, non-profit partnerships, financial & volunteer support, and organizational output. You can also download a copy of the report as a pdf here. (And your entertainment, a few numbers that didn’t quite make this list include 2 broken croquet mallets, 96 teacups washed, and 5 dance shoes worn through.)

Most importantly, let’s repeat: THANK YOU. Thank you for joining us on this frolic(k) into the past, and for helping us find our footing. Cheers to another year of quadrilles, croquet, and forfeit-induced giggling. See you there!


P.S. I feel compelled to use this opportunity to mention that you can actually join us again very soon: Winter session of Quadrillion (our beginner classes) picks up on Saturday January 4th, and our second annual Victorian Valentine Tea fundraiser is Sunday February 9th. Tickets for both are available now through our website.


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